Add Files To File Array In Java

  1. Add Files To File Array In Java Pdf
  2. File Array In Java
Active2 years, 6 months ago

I know how to read a file with Java using Scanner and File IOException, but the only thing I don't know is how to store the text in the files as an array.

Here is a snippet of my code:

Here is what my KeyWestTemp.txt file contains:

Here’s a quick example of a Java class that demonstrates how to create a list of all files in a directory using just the Java File class. Specifically, this example shows how to list all the files in a directory, store those filenames in a String array, and then print the array. My Java directory “list files” class.

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  • Here are some of the many ways of reading files: Using BufferedReader: This method reads text from a character-input stream. It does buffering for efficient reading of characters, arrays, and lines. The buffer size may be specified, or the default size may be used. The default is large enough for most purposes.
  • Check Java Program to get the current directory for more information. Likewise, the text to be added is stored in the variable text. Then, inside a try-catch block we use Files' write() method to append text to the existing file. The write() method takes path of the given file, the text to the written and how the file should be open for writing.

7 Answers

rainkinzrainkinzAdd Files To File Array In Java

Add Files To File Array In Java Pdf

7,5284 gold badges27 silver badges56 bronze badges

If you don't know the number of lines in your file, you don't have a size with which to init an array. In this case, it makes more sense to use a List :

After that, if you need to, you can copy to an array :

33.6k4 gold badges54 silver badges93 bronze badges
Paul SamsothaPaul Samsotha
161k22 gold badges323 silver badges527 bronze badges


File Array In Java

Looks like you want to create a float array, for that create a float array

then your float array would look like

Ankit RustagiAnkit Rustagi
3,72410 gold badges29 silver badges57 bronze badges

I have found this way of reading strings from files to work best for me

'full' will be the completed combination of all of the lines. If you want to add a line break between the lines of text you would dofull+=st+'n';


Just read the whole file into a StringBuilder, then split the String by dot following a space. You will get a String array.

Utku ÖzdemirUtku Özdemir
4,3661 gold badge36 silver badges41 bronze badges

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged javaarraysfile-iostoring-data or ask your own question.

I have the following piece of code. I do not understand why its not working.

I'd really appreciate help on this.

The output prints out 'null' a bunch of times.

Also, I want to be able to not only print out the codes but use the codes array in the class NewHardware and manipulate it (print it out, truncate it, etc).

The text file contains the following:

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Solved it by fixing my readCodesFile() method like so:

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