Cara Instal Windows 98 Dengan Virtual Box

Active4 years, 3 months ago

I have installed a virtual machine on my Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) laptop using VirtualBox. I have also installed Windows 7 Professional.

  • Cara install ulang windows 7. Solusinya, Install ulang windows 7 dengan flashdisk adalah solusi yang sangat tepat bagi para pengguna netbook atau bagi pengguna yang merasa kesulitan jika ingin melakukan install ulang windows 7 karena DVD drive rusak akibat goresan.
  • Untuk memulai Windows 98 menginstal pilih Opsi 2 (Boot dari CD-Rom) Layar berikut akan muncul berikutnya. Cara menginstal windows 98. Posted on Agustus 30, 2010 by 31mei. Untuk memulai Windows 98 menginstal pilih Opsi 2 (Boot dari CD-Rom). Dengan menggunakan panah bawah di samping GMT -0800.
  • Sebelumnya WinPoin sudah menjelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan software virtual machine dan 3 software virtual machine yang populer.VMware dan VirtualBox termasuk dalam software virtual machine tersebut, beberapa saat lalu WinPoin juga telah memberikan cara menginstall Windows XP, 7 dan 8 di VMware.Kini saatnya WinPoin menunjukkan cara instal Windows XP di VirtualBox.
  • Jun 02, 2016  Langkah-langkah menginstal Windows 98 Buka Virtualbox, kemudian klik New Ketik Nama windows, pilih Type dan Versio. 50 kerusakan komputer dan cara mengatasinya Berikut merupakan 50 kerusakan komputer dan cara mengatasinya: 1.
  • Instal Ubuntu Lewat Virtual Box. 95 dan akan di-upgrade ke windows 98. Padaprinsipnya kedua cara ini hampir sama.Jika dilaksanakan melalui DOS tentu harus booting.

Sebelum menjalankan proses install pastikan semua perangkat terpasang dengan benar dan pastikan hardware tidak mengalami masalah, lalu siapkan CD Windows 98 yg bootable, pastikan. Sebelumnya WinPoin sudah menjelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan software virtual machine dan 3 software virtual machine yang populer.VMware dan VirtualBox termasuk dalam software virtual machine tersebut, beberapa saat lalu WinPoin juga telah memberikan cara menginstall Windows XP, 7 dan 8 di VMware.Kini saatnya WinPoin menunjukkan cara instal Windows XP di VirtualBox.

I need to be able to access MS Office 2010 using the virtual machine. How do I do this?

Do I need to install Wine and then download MS Office 2010?

If so, how do I then access MS Office 2010 from VirtualBox? Do I open Wine from VirtualBox and access through Wine?

Yikes! I am SO confused!


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3 Answers

You can simply install MS Office inside the virtual machine as if it were a normal, standalone windows system. i.e. if you can access the installation files (either on CD/DVD or in an .iso or .exe) from inside the virtual machine you should be able to install Office like normal.

If you have an MS Office installation disc, you need to tell VirtualBox to acknowledge your CD/DVD Drive through the VirtualBox storage settings for your Win7 install. You may find help with this here.

You don't need Wine to install MS Office in your Win7 virtual machine, you just need the appropriate Office installation CD or .exe file to be accessible from the virtual machine itself.


You need to install MS Office 2010 in Windows 7 Professional that you installed in virtualbox just like you would normally in windows if it was running on its own and not in virtualbox.

Windows 98 Simulator

You do need a MS Office 2010 disk or be able to download it using windows 7 Professional that is running in virtualbox.

Wild ManWild Man
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1) You have to enable a shared folder between the host and guest operating system.

2) Put you ms office executable or folder in the shared folder.

3) Go to the shared folder from the guest os (windows7 in this case ).

4) Copy ms office folder to any folder other then the shared one (in you guest os,this happened to me personnaly ms office was not working because it was still in the shared folder and i tried to install it from there ).

5) Launch your ms office installation(of course from the guest win7 , you should have no problem after this step.


Windows 2000

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