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<ul><li><p>View Attempt 1 of 1 </p><p>Title: RE4-U1A </p><p>Started: April 15, 2011 8:59 PM </p><p>Submitted: April 15, 2011 9:04 PM </p><p>Time spent: 00:05:14 </p><p>Total score: 100/100 = 100% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible </p><p>score: 100 </p><p>1. P14A1 </p><p>Unit 1A On the Poet's Trail </p><p>Reading Comprehension </p><p>A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. </p><p>1. What is this reading mainly about? </p><p> Student </p><p>Response </p><p>Value Correct </p><p>Answer </p><p>Feedback </p><p>A. criticism of </p><p>Basho's </p><p>work </p><p>B. the best </p><p>places to </p><p>visit in </p><p>Japan </p><p>C. impressions </p><p>of Basho's </p><p>trail </p><p>100% </p><p>D. why Basho </p><p>wrote </p><p>Narrow </p><p>Road </p><p>Score: 8/8 </p><p>2. P14A2 </p><p>2. How does Mr. Ichihara describe Basho at the start of his journey? </p><p> Student </p><p>Response </p><p>Value Correct </p><p>Answer </p><p>Feedback </p><p>A. full of </p><p>sadness </p><p>B. chubby 100% </p><p>C. having an </p><p>intensity </p><p>of spirit </p><p>D. full of </p></li><li><p>knowledge </p><p>Score: 8/8 </p><p>3. P14A3 </p><p>3. Which of the following is closest in meaning to 'Now, though it's </p><p>been only too often observed, Matsushima presents a magnificent </p><p>vista' on lines 64-66? </p><p> Student </p><p>Response </p><p>Value Correct </p><p>Answer </p><p>Feedback </p><p>A. The view from </p><p>Matsushima is </p><p>wonderful, even </p><p>though many </p><p>people have </p><p>seen it. </p><p>100% </p><p>B. Matsushima's </p><p>view needs to </p><p>be seen often </p><p>before it is truly </p><p>appreciated. </p><p>C. Matsushima's </p><p>view is less </p><p>magnificent </p><p>because it has </p><p>become so </p><p>familiar. </p><p>D. Although it </p><p>presents a </p><p>magnificent </p><p>view, </p><p>Matsushima is </p><p>actually a </p><p>disappointment. </p><p>Score: 8/8 </p><p>4. P14A4 </p><p>4. Which statement is NOT true about fishing on the Nagara river? </p><p> Student </p><p>Response </p><p>Value Correct </p><p>Answer </p><p>Feedback </p><p>A. The </p><p>cormorants </p><p>had string </p><p>tied around </p><p>their necks. </p><p>B. The fishermen </p><p>control more </p><p>than one bird </p><p>each. </p><p>C. The birds 100% </p></li><li><p>dropped their </p><p>fish at the </p><p>fishermen's </p><p>feet. </p><p>D. The fishing </p><p>was partly a </p><p>demonstration </p><p>for tourists. </p><p>Score: 8/8 </p><p>5. P14A5 </p><p>5. Which region would the writer probably describe as the most tragic? </p><p> Student </p><p>Response </p><p>Value Correct </p><p>Answer </p><p>Feedback </p><p>A. Sumidagawa </p><p>B. Niwo island </p><p>C. Umikawa </p><p>and </p><p>Himekawa </p><p>100% </p><p>D. Otsu </p><p>Score: 8/8 </p><p>6. P14B </p><p>B. Completion. Complete the sentences about the places the </p><p>author visited. </p><p>Statement Response Value Correct </p><p>Match </p><p>1. Tokyo: We hired a boat and </p><p>passed under the Sumidagawa </p><p>River's ________. </p><p>many </p><p>famous </p><p>bridges </p><p>25.0% many </p><p>famous </p><p>bridges </p><p>2. Matsustiima City: Our travel </p><p>guide didn't like the town because </p><p>there was ________. </p><p>too much </p><p>concrete </p><p>25.0% too much </p><p>concrete </p><p>3. Niigata Prefecture: We visited </p><p>the place on the coast where two </p><p>rivers ________. </p><p>run into the </p><p>sea </p><p>25.0% run into the </p><p>sea </p><p>4. Otsu City: Finally, close to Lake </p><p>Biwa, we reached the _________ </p><p>where Basho's grave is located. </p><p>peaceful </p><p>shrine </p><p>25.0% peaceful </p><p>shrine </p><p>Score: 8/8 </p><p>7. P15A </p><p> Vocabulary Practice </p><p>A. Completion. Complete the information using the correct </p></li><li><p>form of words from the box. One word is extra. </p><p>commence embrace flee navigate overlap resemble </p><p>Many tourists arriving in Japan naturally 1. 1.----- their sightseeing in </p><p>large cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto, not far from the </p><p>international airports where they arrive. But, if you stay in the city, </p><p>you're only seeing one side of Japan. Join the more adventurous </p><p>tourists who 2. 2.----- the crowded city streets and escape into a </p><p>beautiful landscape of forests and islands that stretches the length of Japan. Here are three suggestions to get you started! </p><p> At the island of Miyajima, take a kayaking trip where you can 3. 3.----- much of the island's 27-kilometer coastline and discover its sea </p><p>caves, shellfish farms, and beaches. </p><p> Koyasan, a beautiful World Heritage Site, is famous for its many temples. Here monks 4. 4.----- a religion known as Shingon Buddhism, and happily share the experience with visitors. </p><p> The underwater stone formations off the island of Yonaguni Jima 5. 5.----- pyramids, giant steps, and even carvings of animals. </p><p>Discovered in 1986, some claim they are the work of a 12,000-year-</p><p>old civilization; others say they are natural rock formations. Either </p><p>way, the island has some of the most interesting diving anywhere! </p><p>So don't just stay in the city. Japan is a land of beauty and mystery </p><p>just waiting to be discovered by you! </p><p> Student Response Value Correct Answer </p><p>1. commence 20% Equals commence (20%) </p><p>2. flee 20% Equals flee (20%) </p><p>3. navigate 20% Equals navigate (20%) </p><p>4. embrace 20% Equals embrace (20%) </p><p>5. resemble 20% Equals resemble (20%) </p><p>Score: 8/8 </p><p>8. P15B1 </p><p>B. Words in Context. Complete each sentence with the best </p><p>answer. </p><p>1. If we say that a person's laughter is contagious, we mean that it </p><p>________. </p><p> Student </p><p>Response </p><p>Value Correct </p><p>Answer </p><p>Feedback </p><p>A. is very </p><p>loud </p><p>B. makes us laugh, too </p><p>100% </p><p>Score: 8/8 </p></li><li><p>9. P15B2 </p><p>2. A ferry is useful when traveling ________. </p><p> Student </p><p>Response </p><p>Value Correct </p><p>Answer </p><p>Feedback </p><p>A. up a </p><p>mountain </p><p>B. between </p><p>two </p><p>islands </p><p>100% </p><p>Score: 9/9 </p><p>10. P15B3 </p><p>3. If someone needs to retrieve a map, he or she needs to ________. </p><p> Student </p><p>Response </p><p>Value Correct </p><p>Answer </p><p>Feedback </p><p>A. go back </p><p>and get it </p><p>100% </p><p>B. draw it </p><p>from </p><p>memory </p><p>Score: 9/9 </p><p>11. P15B4 </p><p>4. If two subjects overlap, they cover ________ information. </p><p> Student </p><p>Response </p><p>Value Correct </p><p>Answer </p><p>Feedback </p><p>A. very </p><p>different </p><p>B. some of </p><p>the same </p><p>100% </p><p>Score: 9/9 </p><p>12. P15B5 </p><p>5. The work of a philosopher relates to ________. </p><p> Student </p><p>Response </p><p>Value Correct </p><p>Answer </p><p>Feedback </p><p>A. wisdom </p><p>and </p><p>learning </p><p>100% </p><p>B. selling </p><p>things </p><p>Score: 9/9 </p></li><li><p>View Attempt 1 of 1 </p><p>Title: RE4-U1B </p><p>Started: April 15, 2011 9:05 PM </p><p>Submitted: April 15, 2011 9:10 PM </p><p>Time spent: 00:05:46 </p><p>Total score: 100/100 = 100% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible </p><p>score: 100 </p><p>1. P16B1 </p><p>Unit 1B A Life in Pictures </p><p>Before You Read </p><p>B. Scan. Are these statements about Michael Yamashita true or false? </p><p>1. He studied photography in college. </p><p>Student Response Value Correct Answer </p><p>False 100% False </p><p>Score: 9/9 </p><p>2. P16B2 </p><p>2. He used to be an English teacher. </p><p>Student Response Value Correct Answer </p><p>True 100% True </p><p>Score: 9/9 </p><p>3. P16B3 </p><p>3. He started taking photographs when he was a child. </p><p>Student Response Value Correct Answer </p><p>False 100% False </p><p>Score: 9/9 </p><p>4. P20A1 </p><p>Reading Comprehension </p><p>A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. </p><p>1. Why did Yamashita become a professional photographer? </p></li><li><p> Student </p><p>Response </p><p>Value Correct </p><p>Answer </p><p>Feedback </p><p>A. There is a lot </p><p>of money in </p><p>photography. </p><p>B. He didn't </p><p>enjoy being </p><p>an English </p><p>teacher. </p><p>C. He became </p><p>passionate </p><p>about </p><p>photography. </p><p>100% </p><p>D. He had </p><p>always </p><p>hoped to </p><p>work for </p><p>National </p><p>Geographic </p><p>Magazine. </p><p>Score: 9/9 </p><p>5. P20A2 </p><p>2. In lines 9-10, the phrase 'to get in touch with my roots' is nearest </p><p>in meaning to ________. </p><p> Student </p><p>Response </p><p>Value Correct </p><p>Answer </p><p>Feedback </p><p>A. to show </p><p>others </p><p>what I </p><p>have </p><p>become </p><p>B. to meet </p><p>other </p><p>members </p><p>of my </p><p>family </p><p>C. to learn </p><p>the </p><p>history of </p><p>my </p><p>country </p><p>D. to learn </p><p>about </p><p>where my </p><p>family </p><p>came from </p><p>100% </p><p>Score: 9/9 </p><p>6. P20A3 </p></li><li><p>3. According to Yamashita, what is a 'page stopper'? </p><p> Student </p><p>Response </p><p>Value Correct </p><p>Answer </p><p>Feedback </p><p>A. an excellent </p><p>photograph </p><p>in a </p><p>magazine </p><p>100% </p><p>B. a </p><p>photograph </p><p>taken in the </p><p>sun's glare </p><p>C. a </p><p>photograph </p><p>with a great </p><p>caption </p><p>D. a really </p><p>interesting </p><p>story that </p><p>contains </p><p>photographs </p><p>Score: 9/9 </p><p>7. P20A4 </p><p>4. How did Yamashita prepare himself to take pictures for the article </p><p>Basho's Trail? </p><p> Student </p><p>Response </p><p>Value Correct </p><p>Answer </p><p>Feedback </p><p>A. He took </p><p>lots of </p><p>photos Japan. </p><p>B. He bought </p><p>a new </p><p>camera. </p><p>C. He read </p><p>several </p><p>versions </p><p>of a book </p><p>by Basho. </p><p>100% </p><p>D. He tried </p><p>not to </p><p>prepare </p><p>too much. </p><p>Score: 9/9 </p><p>8. P20A5 </p><p> 5. Which of the following would Yamashita probably agree with? </p></li><li><p> Student </p><p>Response </p><p>Value Correct </p><p>Answer </p><p>Feedback </p><p>A. A good </p><p>photographer </p><p>doesn't need </p><p>luck. </p><p>B. Getting a first </p><p>job as a </p><p>professional </p><p>photographer </p><p>is easier than </p><p>it was before. </p><p>C. Passion is the </p><p>most </p><p>important </p><p>factor for </p><p>becoming a </p><p>good </p><p>photographer. </p><p>100% </p><p>D. There are </p><p>many </p><p>financial </p><p>reasons for </p><p>becoming a </p><p>professional </p><p>photographer. </p><p>Score: 9/9 </p><p>9. P20B </p><p>B. Classification. Match each description (a-f) with the correct </p><p>photograph. </p><p>Statement Response Value Correct Match </p><p>a. as the photographer </p><p>was leaving. </p><p>Frog 16.66% Frog </p><p>b. in very bright light. Tajik </p><p>schoolchildren </p><p>16.66% Tajik </p><p>schoolchildren </p><p>c. at just the right </p><p>moment. </p><p>both 16.66% both </p><p>d. in the early morning. both 16.66% both </p><p>e. with the sun behind </p><p>him. </p><p>Tajik </p><p>schoolchildren </p><p>16.66% Tajik </p><p>schoolchildren </p><p>f. on temple grounds. Frog 16.7% Frog </p><p>Score: 9/9 </p><p>10. P21A </p></li><li><p>Vocabulary Practice </p><p>A. Completion. Complete the information with the words in the box. Two words are extra. </p><p>ideal route glare obsessed passion </p><p>motivate fluent amateur anticipated concentrate </p><p>Although you may not be a professional photographer yet, here are </p><p>two photography courses to help untrained, 1. 1.----- photographers </p><p>learn to take professional-quality photographs. All you need to begin is </p><p>your 2. 2.----- for photography. </p><p>Nature Photography </p><p>Nature photographers go off the well-traveled 3. 3.----- to take </p><p>unforgettable photographs of nature. In this course, you will 4. 4.----- </p><p>on learning the mysteries of photographing nature outdoors. The </p><p>instructors will show you inspired photos that are sure to 5. 5.----- </p><p>you to take your own great photographs. You will learn the same </p><p>methods expert nature photographers use. Learn how to photograph </p><p>nature in any light, from the 6. 6.----- of the midday sun to nighttime photography. </p><p>Travel Photography </p><p>The 7. 7.----- travel photographer is a master of photographing a wide </p><p>variety of subjects, including people, nature, festivals and </p><p>celebrations, as well as cities and their architecture. In this course, </p><p>you will improve your travel photography by learning all of the </p><p>elements above. Methods for using flash will also be discussed. Soon </p><p>you will be taking better travel photographs than you could ever have </p><p>8. 8.-----. </p><p> Student Response Value Correct Answer </p><p>1. amateur 12% Equals amateur (12%) </p><p>2. passion 12% Equals passion (12%) </p><p>3. route 12% Equals route (12%) </p><p>4. concentrate 12% Equals concentrate (12%) </p><p>5. motivate 13% Equals motivate (13%) </p><p>6. glare 13% Equals glare (13%) </p><p>7. ideal 13% Equals ideal (13%) </p><p>8. anticipated 13% Equals anticipated (13%) </p><p>Score: 9/9 </p><p>11. P21B </p><p>B. Definitions. Use the words in the box to complete the definitions. </p><p>ideal route glare obsessed passion </p></li><li><p>motivate fluent amateur anticipated concentrate </p><p>1. A(n) 1.----- is someone who does something as a hobby and not as </p><p>a job. </p><p>2. If you are 2.----- about something, you keep thinking about it and cannot think about anything else. </p><p>3. If you have a(n) 3.----- for something, you have a very strong interest in it and like it very much. </p><p>4. The 4.----- person or thing for a particular task or purpose is the best possible person or thing for it. </p><p>5 5.----- is very bright light that is difficult to look at. </p><p>6. If you 6.----- someone to do something, you make them feel determined to do it. </p><p>7. A(n) 7.----- is a way from one place to another. </p><p>8. If your speech, reading, or writing is 8.-----, you speak, read, or write easily, smoothly, and clearly with no mistakes. </p><p>9. If you 9.----- an event, you realize in advance that it may happen </p><p>and you are prepared for it. </p><p> Student Response Value Correct Answer </p><p>1. amateur 11% Equals amateur (11%) </p><p>2. obsessed 11% Equals obsessed (11%) </p><p>3. passion 11% Equals passion (11%) </p><p>4. ideal 11% Equals ideal (11%) </p><p>5. Glare 11% Equals Glare (11%) </p><p>6. motivate 11% Equals motivate (11%) </p><p>7. route 11% Equals route (11%) </p><p>8. fluent 11% Equals fluent (11%) </p><p>9. anticipate 12% Equals anticipate (12%) </p><p>Score: 10/10 </p><p>View Attempt 1 of 1 </p><p>Title: RE4-U2A </p><p>Started: April 23, 2011 1:09 AM </p><p>Submitted: April 23, 2011 2:04 AM </p><p>Time spent: 00:54:51 </p><p>Total score: 37.4/100 = 37.4% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible </p><p>score: 100 </p></li><li><p>1. P24B </p><p>Unit 2A Aspects of Love </p><p>Before You Read </p><p>B. Scan. You are going to read about some specialists' beliefs </p><p>about love. Quickly scan the reading. Then match the people on </p><p>the left with their professions on the right. </p><p>Statement Response Value Correct Match </p><p>1. Thomas Lewis d. Anthropologist 0.0% c. Psychiatrist </p><p>2. Helen Fisher a. Swiss university </p><p>professor </p><p>0.0% d. Anthropologist </p><p>3. Donatella </p><p>Marazziti </p><p>c. Psychiatrist 0.0% b. Italian university </p><p>professor </p><p>4. Claus </p><p>Wedekind </p><p>b. Italian university </p><p>professor </p><p>0.0% a. Swiss university </p><p>professor </p><p>Score: 0/11 </p><p>2. P28A1 </p><p>Reading Comprehension </p><p>A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question. </p><p>1. Another title for this reading could be ________. </p><p> Student </p><p>Response </p><p>Value Correct </p><p>Answer </p><p>Feedback </p><p>A. Science </p><p>Can </p><p>Conquer </p><p>Passion </p><p>B. The Right </p><p>Way to </p><p>Choose a </p><p>Mate </p><p>C. Explaining </p><p>Why We </p><p>Fall in </p><p>Love </p><p>100% </p><p>D. The Case </p><p>for </p><p>Arranged </p><p>Marriage </p><p>Score: 11/11 </p><p>3. P28A2 </p></li><li><p>2. Which choice best expresses the meaning of this theory on line 42? </p><p> Student </p><p>Response </p><p>Value Correct </p><p>Answer </p><p>Feedback </p><p>A. Marriage </p><p>is too </p><p>important </p><p>to leave to </p><p>chance. </p><p>B. Without </p><p>the </p><p>approval </p><p>of family, </p><p>romantic </p><p>love rarely </p><p>succeeds. </p><p>C. Romantic </p><p>love is </p><p>based on </p><p>pleasant </p><p>memories </p><p>that we </p><p>try to find </p><p>again. </p><p>D. Memories </p><p>of comfort </p><p>and </p><p>affection </p><p>can satisfy </p><p>our need </p><p>for </p><p>romantic </p><p>love. </p><p>0% </p><p>Score: 0/11 </p><p>4. P28A3 </p><p>3. According to evolutionary psychology why would a woman choose a </p><p>man with rugged features? </p><p> Student </p><p>Response </p><p>Value Correct </p><p>Answer </p><p>Feedback </p><p>A. to </p><p>improve </p><p>her </p><p>immune </p><p>system </p><p>B. to have </p><p>healthier </p><p>children </p><p>100% </p><p>C. to protect </p><p>her from </p><p>animals </p><p>and other </p></li><li><p>threats </p><p>D. because </p><p>he is more </p><p>likely to </p><p>have a 70 </p><p>percent </p><p>waist-to-</p><p>hip ratio </p><p>Score: 11/11 </p><p>5. P28A4 </p><p>4. Why did Marazziti probably choose to study similarities between </p><p>love and OCD? </p><p> Student </p><p>Response </p><p>Value Correct </p><p>Answer </p><p>Feedback </p><p>A. She wanted </p><p>to better </p><p>understand </p><p>her own </p><p>experiences. </p><p>100% </p><p>B. She had </p><p>naturally </p><p>low </p><p>serotonin </p><p>levels. </p><p>C. Others </p><p>researchers </p><p>felt it was </p><p>an </p><p>important </p><p>area to </p><p>study. </p><p>D. She </p><p>suffered </p><p>from a </p><p>mental </p><p>illness. </p><p>Score: 11/11 </p><p>6. P28A5 </p><p>5. According to researchers, which of the following chemicals is most </p><p>closely related to successful long-term relationships? </p><p> Student </p><p>Response </p><p>Value Correct </p><p>Answer </p><p>Feedback </p><p>A. dopamine </p><p>B. oxytocin </p><p>C. serotonin 0% </p></li><li><p>D. none of </p><p>the above </p><p>Score: 0/11 </p><p>7. P28B </p><p>B. Matching. Match the people with their ideas about love. One </p><p>idea is extra. </p><p>Statement Response Value Correct Match </p><p>1. Thomas Lewis </p><p>thinks that </p><p>d. it is shameful to be </p><p>controlled by love. </p><p>0.0% e. love is linked to </p><p>childhood </p><p>experiences of </p><p>closeness. </p><p>2. The Fulbe </p><p>think </p><p>f. relationships </p><p>evolved to last long </p><p>enough to raise a </p><p>child through infancy. </p><p>0.0% d. it is shameful to be </p><p>controlled by love. </p><p>3. </p><p>Anthropologists </p><p>thought </p><p>e. love is linked to </p><p>childhood </p><p>experiences of </p><p>closeness. </p><p>0.0% a. romance was a </p><p>Western invention. </p><p>4. Most Indians </p><p>think </p><p>b. arranged </p><p>marriages have the </p><p>best chance of </p><p>success. </p><p>20.0% b. arranged </p><p>marriages have the </p><p>best chance of </p><p>success. </p><p>5. Helen Fisher </p><p>believes </p><p>a. romance was a </p><p>Western invention. </p><p>0.0% f. relationships </p><p
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