Can Wireshark Sniff Wifi Password

In my previous post about Telnet entitled, “Using Telnet to Perform Tasks” you discovered how to use Telnet to work interactively. Now you have enough information to view some of the security issues with Telnet. It’s incredibly easy for someone to monitor your Telnet session. The only protection you have is firewalls and other security you might have in placeTelnet is completely open and offers nothing in the way of security. Lack of security is one of the reasons I didn’t cover this utility in the Windows Command-Line Administration Instant Reference.” (Telnet is covered from a command line perspective in “Administering Windows Server 2008 Server Core.”) However, the lack of security isn’t a problem in some situations and many administrators prefer to use Telnet to manage some network hardware such as switches and routers. Consequently, the main emphasis of this post is building an awareness of the security issues behind using Telnet so that you can make a good decision about using it to meet your needs.

Before you can see the security issues for yourself, you need to download a utility to sniff packets on your network. This post will rely on a free utility named Wireshark because it does the job admirably and is supported on a number of platforms. Because I’m using the 64-bit version of Windows 7, I downloaded the 64-bit Windows installer for the 1.4.7 version of Wireshark. To make things simple, I performed a full install. Part of the Wireshark setup will also install WinPcap, so you don’t need to install this product separately. If you’re using some other version or configuration of Wireshark, your screen may not look precisely like mine.

Wireshark is a packet analysis tool which can be used for sniffing plain text for example text transmitted using http. Wireshark will not aid in sniffing your wep/wpa password or even your wps pin since this is not transmitted in plain text. Now you can start Wireshark and point it to mon0 interface. You'll be able to see all packets travelling through your network. You'll be able to see all packets travelling through your network. If you want to see only data packets, use this filter: wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x20.

Using a sniffer is somewhat dangerous and you need administrator privileges to do it. This post isn’t designed to make you an expert in protocol sniffing. In fact, this post is exceptionally simple and is designed only to make you aware of deficiencies in Telnet security. The nefarious individual who gains access to your network to sniff about will have significantly more skills and be able to learn considerably more than you’ll learn using the simple directions in this post.


After you complete the installation, you’ll be able to start Wireshark. Choose Start > All Programs > Wireshark and you’ll see the initial Wireshark display shown here.

Wireshark isn’t configured to work with Telnet at the outset, so you need to tell it what to sniff. Click Capture Options and you’ll see what looks like an incredibly complex Capture Options dialog box like the one shown here.

We’re not going to worry about the vast majority of these options. In fact, you only need to set two options to sniff out Telnet packets. Look first at the Interface field. Make sure it’s set to Local. Select your network adapter from the drop down list box. The network adapter will normally have a human readable name, not something odd as shown in the screenshot.

Next you need to tell Wireshark what to sniff on the interface you’ve selected. Click Capture Filter. Type Telnet in the Filter Name field and port 23 in the Filter String field. Click New. Your dialog box should look like the one shown here.

Click OK. You’ll see the filter criterion entered in the Capture Filter field. More importantly, Wireshark is now configured to offer a Telnet filter anytime you need one. Click Start. The Wireshark display will change, but you won’t see anything on itthe display will be blank.

Open a command prompt and start a copy of Telnet in interactive mode. Make sure you open a command prompt with administrator privileges. The act of starting Telnet won’t create any packets as you can see in Wireshark. In fact, type ? and press Enter. You’ll see that Telnet is still perfectly safeit isn’t generating any packets.

Use the Open command to open a connection to your server. Simply typing O ServerName and pressing Enter generates packets. You can see them in Wireshark like this:

Can Wireshark Sniff Https

Notice that some of these entries are labeled Telnet Data. In addition, the Source and Destination columns tell you which direction the information is flowing (the client is in this case). Click on the first of these entries and you’ll see that the middle panel contains some information about the Telnet Data. Open the Telnet entry and you’ll see some interesting information as shown in the figure. For example, the packet information tells the viewer that Telnet is set to use the authentication option.

Go back to the command prompt now. Type y and press Enter to send your password information to the server. Of course, one of the big questions you probably have is whether Telnet is exposing your username and password. Near the end of the packets, you’ll find one that contains an Suboption Begin: Authentication Option entry like the one shown here.

In this case, the option entry tells the server that the client won’t forward the authentication credentials. The option works because I’m already signed onto the server and the server already has my credentials. This is one of the items you’ll want to check for your own Telnet setup, however.

Unfortunately, this session isn’t safe by a long shot. Type just a single letter, a D, at the command prompt. You’ll find that typing this single letter generates a packet that you can see with Wireshark like the one shown here.

In fact, you’ll find that every action on your part creates more packetseach of which is easily sniffed by anyone with Wireshark or any other application of the sort. Finish the command by typing ir and pressing Enter. You’ll see the expected response at the command line.

At this point, you can also see the response from the server in Wireshark. The text isn’t as readable because it contains all of the control characters normally used to format the text. However, here’s an example of the response as it appears on my system.

Look at this response carefully and you’ll see that anyone can learn precisely what you’re doing. If you have to enter passwords to perform a particular task, the viewer will get them too. Telnet isn’t a secure method to manage anythingyou need to provide a secure environment in which Telnet can run. This post only touches on the tip of the iceberg, of course. Let me know if you have any questions about it at

Table of Contents

  • 1 Trick to Hack Wifi using Wireshark.

Trick to Hack Wifi using Wireshark.

Hello Friends. In this post, we will discuss the methods through which we can hack wifi using Wireshark. It is really an easy method and does not require a strong network knowledge. We will use Wireshark for this method.

NOTE: Before knowing more about How to hack Wifi using Wireshark, please check that you are connected with a workingWifi network. This trick will also work if you are connected with a LAN network.

Wireshark is a network Packet Sniffer software and is available for free. It interfaces with an 802.11 client card and passively captures (“sniffs”) 802.11 packets being transmitted within a wireless LAN. Hence, it is a very powerful packet sniffer tool. You can download this software from their official website here. Many hackers aroung the world are using Wireshark to get passwords.

Can Wireshark Sniff Wifi Password Windows 10

Steps to hack Wifi using Wireshark.

1: How to setup Wireshark… installing Wireshark.

Wireshark is very easy to install. Just download the software and follow the install instructions. You may face some problems while sniffing data. It may be due to your network card. Since Wireshark does not support some network cards, hence you can only see the incoming packets.

2: Capture data and Hack WiFi using Wireshark.

First of all, we have to configure Wireshark. For proper configuration, change the wireless interface to 802.11 client device. To do this, click the Capture menu, choose Options, and select the appropriate interface.


You can also change the RF channel. If you want the Packet Sniffer to capture channel 1 traffic, then configure the Wireshark to channel 1. To do this, click the Capture menu, choose Options, and click Wireless Settings. The menu Advanced Wireless Settings will appear where you can change the channel.

You can also choose filters if you need one. Filters are used to capture a particular packet data for outgoing traffic. To set a filter, click the Capture menu, choose Options, and click Capture Filter. The Wireshark Capture Filter window will appear and now you can set various filters according to your needs.

We are now ready for capturing network traffic to hack WiFi using Wireshark. Just follow the below steps carefully.

Now we will start Packet capturing process to Hack WiFi. To do so, click the capture menu and choose start. You will see that Wireshark is capturing traffic and it will continue until its buffer is filled up. If you think that you have enough packets, click the Capture menu and choose Stop.

You will get an detailed summary of your captures packets. It will look something like the below image.

3: Analyzing content to read TCP packets.

This is the main method where you will analyze the data you have found. The top panel of the window identifies each packet’s source and destination nodes, protocol implemented, and information about each packet. You can select a specific packet of your need. The middle panel displays information about this packet, and you can choose a specific field of the packet. Here the content are displayed in hex or ASCII format.

Can Wireshark Sniff Passwords Used In The Past

You can dig deeper to find more interesting results such as Facebook PASSWORD or chat user ID etc. Its up to you, how far you are willing to go!.

We hope that this article to hack Wifi using Wireshark packet sniffer solved your purpose. Subscribe our website to learn more cool tricks.

If you are facing any problem in any step then Comment below.