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Genealogy Basics: FamilySearch’s Antigonish Catholic Diocese Records – Revisited Joe Petrie BACKGROUND: Two years ago, I wrote an article about FamilySearch‘s Antigonish Catholic Diocese database for the Cape Breton Genealogy and Historical Association’s web site. The article is in Records/Research. Treaty of Washington was 1st time a politician from a colony (SJA) was included in a British delegation to negotiate an int'l treaty Step forward, but Canada still not an independent nation GB still negotiated on Canada's behalf SJA went as a British, not Canadian representative.

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David Bennitz, Public Health Bureau, Health Canada, Ottawa, Canada Colin Browne, Pan American Health Organization/Eastern Caribbean Countries, Bridge. Henry Kong, Port Health Office, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China. 6 Jenny Kremastinou, National School of Public Health, Athens, Greece.

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Location: Tucson, AZ
I've taken out my rear brake lines and calipers to rebuild the back half of the braking system. I was curious as to how the stock proportioning valve works and I disassembled it to get the crud out and check to make sure it's in good condition. I thought I'd take a little time to understand it and post the results.. So first here are some pictures with it apart:
So the way it works the best I can figure out, the brake fluid comes in the inlet port and enters the middle of the cylinder between the two seals on the piston. The fluid flows through the holes and out thorough a valve at the end of the piston. This valve is held open at low pressures by the force of the spring. At a high enough output (rear brake) pressure the piston starts to work against the spring which allows the valve to begin closing off. This regulates the output pressure and maintains a differential between front and back.
I took the only description of the pressure specs I could find and graphed it, shown here:
You can see the break point at 683 psi where the piston would start to move and regulate the output. The three lines are the specified tolerances of the valves pressure differential. The straight line would be no prop. valve with a Tee. I measured the factory compressed height of the spring and compared it to the maximum compression where the spring would start to bind. There is about .7 cm additional range it could be compressed before binding. The factory chose an adjustment screw length to be pretty close to the point where the spring reaches its limit. On mine, running the screw in flush with the locking nut gives about .5 cm, I estimated this increases the spring force about another 115 lbs and raises the break point up to about 927 psi nominal.
I've read about putting in a longer bolt. You can do this, but it will cause the spring to bind at some point. If you bind it then the valve will always remain open so it's essentially a Tee. You wouldn't want to count on having a precise break point where the spring is near binding.
What does this all mean? The hell if I know. But I think that with my front BMW calipers and V8 conversion I can tighten the spring to bias the rear more. It will be more than stock but less than a Tee. I'm reluctant to go with a straight Tee for a street car.
One other interesting thing. When I pulled the lines there was hardly any fluid in them. Proof that the previous owner had not bled the rears completely. At low pressures this prop valve is open but I noticed it does not allow a lot of fluid flow because of the small size of the internal regulating valve. I really plan to spend a lot of time bleeding to get all the air out of this system.
08-27-2003, 11:01 AM
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