The Matrix Trilogy Drinking Game

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  3. The Matrix Trilogy Drinking Game Online
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The Matrix Trilogy Drinking Game
  • Chapter 13 Game Theory and Strategic Play Modified by Joseph Tao-yi Wang Joseph Tao-yiWang 1. Simultaneous Move Games 2. Assume drinking the poison and dying gives a payoff of -10; staying alive has a payoff of 10 1. Construct the payoff matrix for this game.
  • THE MATRIX Drinking Game. August 4, 2018 @ 11:59 pm. Drink along to the movie! Full guidelines will be provided at the event! Buy Tickets ($12).
  • #The Game In short, every time 'matrix' is said as you watch The Matrix, you are given the choice between a Red Shot and a Blue Shot. Jump to content. Discuss and create your own Drinking Games. Other sub-reddits you may enjoy.
  • Where to look for new treatments for alcoholism? The matrix Date: June 1, 2017. Immune System Suppression May Be Related to Problem Drinking. How Game Theory Can Bring Humans and Robots.

The Matrix Drinking Game This Matrix Drinking Game was a user submission by Zachery Dean Stanley. Rather than going the traditional boring route of “drink whenever x” this game has players taking red or blue shots hoping to get the one that’s water instead of vodka.

Writer Zak Penn clarifies reports on Twitter

The upcoming Matrix film will be neither a remake nor a reboot, according to writer Zak Penn.

The legendary sci-fi franchise of The Matrix looks set to return, with reports earlier this week that Warner Bros are in talks to make a new movie.

Keanu Reeves took the lead as Neo in the original trilogy, with The Matrix making cinema history with its special effects and mind-bending plot in 1999, before The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions followed in 2003.

The Hollywood Reporter recently broke the news that Warner Bros Pictures are in talks to a ‘relaunch’ the franchise, with X2: X-Men United screenwriter Penn now taken to Twitter to clarify the situation.

“All I can say at this point is no one could or should REBOOT the Matrix. People who know Animatrix and the comics understand,” he wrote. “Can’t comment yet except to say that the words ‘reboot’ and ‘remake’ were from an article. Let’s stop responding to inaccurate news.”

Matrix Trilogy Dvd

Penn went on to tweet: “Do I want to see more stories set in the universe of the Matrix? Yes. Because it’s a brilliant idea that generates great stories.”

Michael B. Jordan is thought to be considered to play the lead role for in the new film.

Watch matrix trilogyTrilogy

Original Trilogy producer Joel Silver is said to have first approached the studio about the relaunch, while the original writers and directors, the Wachowski siblings are not involved – but Warner Bros are at least hoping for ‘their blessing’ before they continue. It is also reported that Silver sold his interest in all his movies to the studio in 2012 for around $30 million, and has a ‘strained relationship’ with the Wachowskis.

While last month saw the core cast of the original Matrix reunite in public for the first time since the film’s release, Keanu Reeves also revealed what would convince him to sign up for a sequel.

“The Wachowskis would have to be involved,” he said. “They would have to write it and direct it, and then we’d see where the story is.” He added: “That’d be weird, but why not? People die, stories don’t.”

Last year, it was reported that The Matrix had brought in $3billion in revenue – making it the highest grossing franchise of all time.

  • By Hnayr on 1/7/2013
  • Players: 4+
  • Type: Social
  • Drink: Beer
  • Consumption:
  • Year: -Today
  • Genre:
  • Actors:


One of the most popular social drinking games in the world, players actions and drinks are associated with the face-down card that they randomly select each turn.

The Matrix Trilogy Cast List



A deck of cards is spread out faced down around a full, unopened can of beer, and the participants position themselves in a circle around the table.


Each turn, every player picks up one of the face down cards, and either drinks or gives drinks based on the action associated with said card.

The Matrix Trilogy Drinking Game Online

At the end of the turn, the player puts the card underneath the beer can surrounded by face down cards, making sure not to open the can (which can be heard by air leaking out should it happen). If the can is opened, that players drinks the beer, and a new one replaces it with no cards under the tab to start.

The game continues until all cards are drawn.

Below is a list of common card associations during Kings:

  • Ace: Waterfall - Every player begins drinking, and no one can stop until the player before them does
  • 2: You - Whoever drew the card assigns a drink
  • 3: Me - Whoever drew the card drinks
  • 4: Floor - Everyone races to touch the floor, last person to do so drinks
  • 5: Guys - All guys drink
  • 6: Chicks - All girls drink
  • 7: Heaven - All players point towards the sky, last player to do so drinks
  • 8: Mate - Pick a person to drink with
  • 9: Rhyme - Say a phrase, and everyone else must say phrases that rhyme
  • 10: Categories - Pick a category, and say something from that category (i.e. if 'drinking games' was the category, 'kings' would be a viable answer.
  • Jack: Never have I ever - Each player puts up 3 fingers, then starting with the person who drew the card, each player says 'never have I ever «something»'. If you've done it, you put a finger down, until someone loses
  • Queen: Questions - The person who drew the card asks a random person a question, and they then turn and ask a random person a question, until someone loses by either failing to ask a question or by responding to the person who just asked them a question
  • King: Ruler - Make a rule that everyone must follow until the next King is drawn (i.e. force everyone to drink after each turn)

Understanding The Matrix Trilogy

As always, please remember to drink responsibly! This alcohol drinking game is not meant to lead to you becoming sick due to over-consumption of alcohol. Need a ride? Download Uber or Lyft & get $5 off your first safe, sober ride. If you enjoyed it, please leave feedback in the comments & let us know how we can make it better!

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