Message Output Determination In Sap Mm Pdf

  1. Sap Output Determination Tcode
  2. Output Determination Sap
  3. Sap Billing Output Determination
  4. Sap Output Message
  5. Message Output Determination In Sap Mm Pdf File

Checking customer developments: First, check Cu, Steps to configure Output determination checklist for goods movements., MM (Materials Management) Tutorial Before you create a customer message for SAP support, ensure that there are no errors in Customizing. SAP R/3 - SAP MM Module Output Determination What are the steps in out put determination for SAP MM module? How to create and maintain output determination process. 1 Answers are available for this question. Message Determination Schemas SPRO -> Material Management-> Purchasing -> Message -> Output Control->Message Schema->Define Message.

Output determination is a term which is used to get the print, fax or e-mail outputs for different documents in SAP. Output is carried out based on the conditions that you define in Customizing. Hi All, I am looking for an end-to-end config guide of PO output determination. It will be great if anyone of you can share the same with me. I have searched SDN too but could not get any proper guide.

SAP SD - Output determination Outputs are an essential media of communication with various business partners and internal partner within the organization during or for sales processing. Output determination is the process of restricting or allowing the trigger of these output which can be sent to the business partners (Customer/Vendor). During outbound processing in Sales and Distribution, the system determines output using the output determination component. The system converts the data into an IDoc and issues it using the IDoc interface.

  • A sales transaction involves various stages such as presales, order, delivery, pick/ pack, shipment, and billing. Each stage involves the generation of various documents specific to that stage. Sometimes these documents are required because of legal or commercial reasons, and sometimes they act as a milestone marking the completion of the stage. For example, an order acknowledgment that confirms the seller’s acceptance of the order marks the completion of the order stage; an invoice sent by the seller to the buyer is a confirmation of the completion of the sales transaction; and so on. Processing and generating these documents in a sales transaction often involves a lot of conditional permutations too. They can have different formats and may be communicated using various communication media such as printed copies or using electronic media such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) email, fax, and so on. A customer may be satisfied with receiving fax copies of order acknowledgments but may want invoices sent via email, for instance. In SAP SD, all these documents (order acknowledgment, delivery note, pick/pack list, shipping order, invoice, etc.) are called outputs , and their processing is controlled using the output determination technique provided by SAP. In SAP SD, you can define an output determination for the following stages of a sales cycle:
  • Sales activities
  • Sales documents such as quotation confirmations, order confirmations, and scheduling agreements
  • Shipping and transportation–related documents such as delivery notes, packing lists, and handling units
  • Billing-related documents such as invoices, credit notes, debit notes, and invoice lists

The process of setting up the output determination for the various stages mentioned here is fairly standard. Therefore, we will practice the customization using one sample only, namely, output determination for a sales document. Let’s start the journey with scope definition for the customization.

Deciding the Scope of Customization

Before we move forward, let’s identify the scope of customization required. Answering the following questions may provide you some guidance:

  • How many output types are required per output object? This means how many output types are required for sales documents, delivery documents, billing documents, and so on. Sometimes a change in the format of the output also impacts the number of output types. For example, for Galaxy, if the formats for order confirmation for the United States and Mexico are entirely different, we may have to create two output types.
  • Can you use the existing sample output types (RD00, BA00, RD04, and so on) available in SAP, or do you need to create new output? If you can use the existing output types, then your customization revolves around making cosmetic changes such as changing the output script/smart form.
  • If new output types are required, should they be entered manually in the transaction, or should they be accessed automatically by SAP using the output condition records? The answer to this question decides whether you need to have an access sequence. In the former case, it does not need an access sequence, whereas in the latter case, it does. What communication media is the output to be configured for? In other words, is it a print output, an email output, a fax output, and so on?
  • Is the processing for output type manual via the application’s own processing transactions provided by SAP (such as VF31 for processing billing outputs), or is it required to be processed using scheduled back ground jobs running at a particular interval?

For better understanding of these concepts, let’s go through the customization scope for Galaxy.

Case Study Galaxy Configuration Analysis:Customization Scope For Output Determination

In Galaxy Musical Instruments, the output processing for a sales document is generally controlled by the combinat ion ofthe sales organization anddistribution channels in which the order is created. In the case of the Direct Sale distribution channel where a customerorders directly from theGalaxywebsite, the website is capable enough to generate the order confir mations and mail them to customers. Still, as an exception for afew corporate customers,Galaxy requires SAP to generate the outputs. Order type also plays a vital role in the output determination because not all order types need an order confirmation generated. For example, order types for debit/credit note requests, quotations, inquiries, contracts, and so on, do not need an order confirmation. Galaxy analyzed the existing outputdeterminat ions availablein SAP butcould not find one that exactly fits its requirement. The nearest one Galaxy could find was SAP standard BA00, so the company decided to cr eate a new one as ZBA9 by copying it from BA00 and making the necessary modifications to fit the company’s needs. The access sequence for ZBA9 is also ZBA9, and it contains two condition tables: the first one with key combination Order Type/Customer and the second one with key combination Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Order Type. Thenewdetermination procedure is Z0001 and is assigned to the relevant sales document t ypes.

Setting Up output Determination for Sales Documents

Output determination is a search technique based on the famous condition technique of SAP. Customization of an output determination, therefore, involves the following five steps:

  1. Create the output condition tables.
  2. Define the access sequences and arrange condition tables into the access sequence.
  3. Maintain the output type and assign the access sequence to the output type.
  4. Group output types into an output determination procedure.
  5. Assign the output determination procedure to its respective output object.

Creating the Output Condition Tables

This is the first step in the customization of an output determination process. Here you define the key combinations/condition tables that are required for storing your output condition records. To create a condition table for the sales document output determination process, follow the menu path IMG Sales And Distribution Basic Functions Output Control Output Determination Output Determination Using

The Condition TechniqueMaintain Output Determination For Sales DocumentsMaintain Condition Tables. You will be first presented with a Choose Activity dialog box.

Choose Activity dialog box

Choose the activity Maintain Output Condition Table For Sales Documents from the dialog box, and click the button to call up the customization overview screen. You will be presented with the customization screen for changing the condition tables. Now use menu path ConditionCreate to call up the Create Condition Table screen. Alternatively, you can use transaction code V/56 to directly reach this customization screen.

In SAP, condit ion table numbers greater t han 500 are reserved for the customer name space. You can create your condition table by copying from some existing condition table or by creating it from scratch. To copy it from an existing table, provide the source table number in the Copy From Condition Table field while creating your condition table. To create your own condition table from start, select a number greater than 500 for your condition table, and press Enter to call up the detail customization screen. You can also leave this table number field empty, and SAP will automatically assign a number to your condition table upon its successful generat ion.

Create Condition Table (overview screen)

Create Condition Table (detail screen)

the screen is divided into two columns: Selected Fields and Field Catalog. The Field Catalog column contains all the fields that you can choose from for creating your own condition table. The selected fields column shows all the fields that you selected for your condition table. For Galaxy, we are creating two condition tables: condition table and condition table . The example is for condition table . Now double-click the desired fields in the Field Catalog column on the right. The fields will be copied to the Selected Fields column on the left. You can also move fields from right to left by putting your cursor on the field on the right and clicking the Select Field button on the menu. Follow either of these directions until you get all the required fields to define your condition tables on the left. the customization settings for condition table 999 created for Galaxy. You will notice that SAP automatically proposed the condition table description using the sequence in which you selected the fields from the right. If needed, you can edit this description by using the but ton.

Creating a condition table (Galaxy example)

You can also insert a blank row before and after a field in the left w indow using the button. For example, suppose while configuring table 999 you selected Distribution Channel first and then wanted to make space to insert Sales Organization just before Distribution Channel. No worries, because you can do so using thebutton on the menu. Similarly, use thebutton to remove/deselect a field f rom the left window. Now, generate your condition table using thebutton on the menu.At this point, you should see a Create Object Directory Entry dialog box asking for package information to store the object directory entry for your condition table.

Provide a proper development class if you want to transport the condition table to the next SAP client inthe landscape or use F7 to save locally. Next, you will be presented with another dialog box, called Prompt For Workbench Request. The purpose of this dialog box is to capture your customization setup into a transport request so that you can move your changes to other SAP clients on the landscape. Now either capture your customization table entry into the development/work bench transport request that appears in this dialog box or create a new one using thebutton for your customization.

With condition table generation, SAP also generates a log file that automatically pops up on the screen with the completion of the condition table generation process. Always make sure to check the log entries to find out any errors that arose while generating your condition table. Once the generation process completes without errors, your condition table becomes active and is ready for use with step 2 of the output determination process, that is, grouping condition tables into an access sequence.

Case Study Galaxy Configuration Analysis:Maintain Condition Tables

Galaxy Musical Instruments named condition table 998 OrderType/Customerand named condition table 999 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Order Type.

Defining Access Sequences and Arranging Condition Tables into the Access Sequence

SAP uses access sequences as the search criteria to find the valid condition record during an output determination run. In this step, you define this access sequence and arrange the condition tables created in step 1 in the sequence in which you want SAP to access condition records. One rule of thumb is to arrange the tables in the most specific to most generic order.

To define an access sequence for the sales document output determination process, call the access sequence customization screen using transaction code V/48 or following menu path IMGSales A nd Distribution Basic Functions Output ControlOutput Determination Output Determination Using The Condition Technique Maintain Output Determination For Sales Documents Maintain Access Sequences.

Access sequence customization screen

To define your own access sequence (which is what we did here for Galaxy), click the New Entry button, provide a four-character identification key starting with Y or Z , and provide a meaningful text description. the last access sequence, ZBA9 –Order Confirmation, represents the access sequence we created for Galaxy.

Once you have defined your access sequence, select your entry, and double-click the Accesses node in the left window to call up the next customization screen. On this customization screen, click the New Entries button, and enter your condition tables in the sequence in which you would like SAP to perform the search. Once done, save your entry using the Save button. the customization performed for Galaxy access sequence Z BA9. The following fields appear on the customization screen:

The column No. indicates the number of the access within the access sequence.

In the column Tab., enter the output condition table number.Using these two fields, you set up the logical order in which you want SAP to read the records stored in condition tables.In the current sequence, SAP will first read records from table ; if nothing is found here, it will move to read records from the next table, 999.


SAP automatically populates the field Description with the description of the condition table created in the previous step.


A requirement is a piece of ABAP code that tells SAP when to read the records from a condition table in an access sequence and when not. If a requirement fails, the condition table is not accessed. For example, requirement tells SAP to process output type ZBA9 only if the sales document is complete and does not have a credit block or a delivery block. You can create requirements with the help of an ABAP person using transaction code VOFM. Again,like tables, the 900 series is available as the customer name space for naming your customized requirements. The requirement thus created is assigned in the column Requirement against the particular access.


Selecting the Exclusive check box tells SAP to stop searching further for a condition record once a valid condition record is found in the current access step. This also helps in improving the system performance because it avoids accessing further records if a valid record is found.if Exclusive is not selected for any table, SAP will always perform the search until access step number 20, even though it found a valid record within step 10 and will always return the value from step 20 as a valid record value. If Exclusive is selected, SAP will move to the next step only if a valid record is not found in the previous step.So, if the valid record is found for the Sales Doc Type/Customer table, SAP will take that as valid record and stop performing the search.

Assigning condition tables to an access sequence

Now select line 10, and double-click the Fields node in the left window to call up the customization screen for fields assignment. Here you assign the fields of the condition table to the fields of the output communication structure so that the value flows from the source fields (condition tables) to the target fields (output communication structure) during various stages of sales cycle processing.


Populating fields for condition tables into the access sequence

Once your entry is saved, double-click the Access Sequence node on the left to reach the customization screen. Now click the Utilities button to call up the Generate Access Sequences screen. Provide the value for your access sequence (ZBA9 for Galaxy), and press F8 or click the Execute but- ton to activate your access sequence.

Activating your access sequence

Galaxy Musical Instruments named its access sequence ZBA9 and arranged the two condition tables 998 and 999 insequence so that 998 isaccessed first. 999 is then accessed if there is no record found in 998. Further, Galaxy maintained a requirement type 2 to these condition tables to allow processing only when the sales document is complete.

Maintaining the Output Type and Assigning the Access Sequence to an Output Type

Here you set up an output type and assign the access sequence created in step 2 to it. An output type is a controlling element of the output determination process. An output type controls what output media (mail, print, fax) to use for sending output, which print script and print program to use, whether the output is to print manually or through a batch job, and so on. Further, you can set up an output type to be assigned manually to a sales document or to be determined automatically. If you want it to be determined automatically, you need to assign an access sequence. the customization overview screen for defining an output type.

You can call this customization screen using transaction code V/30 or via menu path IMG Sales And Distribution Basic Functions Output Control Output Determinat ion Out put Determination Using The Condit ion Technique Maint ain Output Determination For Sales Documents Maint ain Output Types.As in the previous examples, you can either use the New Entries button to create the new output type from scratch or use the Copy button to create the output type via the copy wit h reference funct ion to an already existing output type. For Galaxy, we created the output type ZBA9 using t he copy method and source output type BA00. For this chapter’s purpose, we will cover the customization settings for an output type using our newly created output type ZBA9.

Output types overview screen

Double-click the output type ZBA9 shown on the right window to call up the general data customization screen for output type ZBA9.

Defining the output type, general data

The screen is divided into two parts, which is a format that should be familiar by now. The left window (Dialog Structure) shows expandable customization options for the output type. The right window contains the customization screen divided into various tabs. These are the four major customization tabs:

General Data tab

This tab controls the general behavior of an output type. Here are the various customization fields starting at the top left:

Output Type

This field represents the output type and its description. Here output type is ZBA9, and its description is Order Confirmation.

Access Sequence

This field represents the access sequence that is assigned to the output type for automatic output determination. Here the assigned access is ZBA9.

Access to conditions

This check box controls whether an output type should perform access to condition records. When selected, it means Yes; when it’s unselected, it means No.

Cannot Be Changed

This check box controls whether SAP should allow the manual change of an output type in the documents, once it is successfully determined.

Multiple Issuing

This check box controls whether SAP should allow for repeat processing/multiple outputs for the same output type or whether the output type should be used only once in the document.

Sap Output Determination Tcode

Partner-Indep. Output

This check box controls whether the output should depend upon the partner or should be partner independent.

Do Not Write Processi ng Log

This check box controls whether to write the processing log for the output type.

Default Values tab

The Default Values tab,is used for setting up the default values for the output processing related customization.

Defining the output type, default values

Here are the explanations for the fields

Dispatch Time

This specifies when and how to dispatch the output type. The available options are as follows:

  1. When you select 1, your output type is dispatched with a scheduled job (RSNAST00 program scheduled with a SM37 job).
  2. Option 2 acts like option 1 but with an earliest processing date and requested processing time. When you select 2, the program RSNAST00 processes the output message only when the processing date is reached.
  3. Select 3 to manually use the application’s own transaction (in other words, VF31 for billing, VL71 for delivery, and VT70 for shipping).
  4. Select 4 for automatic dispatch once the document is saved.

Transmission Medium

This specifies what medium to use for dispatch, such as print, email, or fax.

Partner Function

This specifies which partner function to use for dispatch, such as BP for billing-related outputs, SP for sales-related outputs, SH for delivery related outputs.

Communication Strategy

Here you specify the communication strategy that defines the sequence of communication methods that can be used while sending output messages externally.


With the Time customization tab you can restrict the output type from using a particular dispatch value, such as no processing by a job or no processing by an application’s own transaction. For example, the selection for Timing 1 (Periodic Job) Not Allowed tells SAP that output type ZBA9 cannot be processed using a periodic batch job.

Sap output message

Defining the output type, time

Storage System

The next tab, Storage System, helps you take control of whether the output type is to be used for printing only, for archiving only, or for both printing and archiving.Once you have defined the general settings for an output type using all the various tabs that we’ve discussed, the next step is to customize the mail title and text, processing routines, and assignment of the output type to partner functions. These options are shown on the left side of the output maintenance screen.

Defining the output type, mail title, and text

Mail Title And Text

Double-click the Mail Title And Text node, and SAP will provide you with the screen. Here you can maintain the title text for your output type in various languages. When you send the output via email, SAP uses this title text to generate the subject line for the email in the correct language. So, if you have maintained the output in the condition record or in the transaction document with the language as EN, the English title will be picked up, and when it is FR, the title text maintained in French will be picked up to generate the subject line.

Processing Routines

Now double-click the Processing Routines node, and you will be presented with a screen that look s like. Here you define the processing programs and corresponding forms or form routines for your output type. Suppose you want to print the order confirmation document. You assign the print program and corresponding print form (order confirmation document template) to the print medium output on this screen. So in our example, a print program will pull the data from the order document and provide it to the order confirmation template, which is then processed as per the processing settings we maintained on the detail customization screen for the output type. Similarly, you can also define the processing parameters for another output medium, such as an EDI program with a form routine for EDI output.

Defining the output type, processing routines

Partner Functions

Next, you can define the partners relevant for output processing. The output for a billing document is assigned to the bill-to party, the output for shipping documents is assigned to the ship-to party, and the output for sales documents are assigned to the sold-to party partner function in customizing.

Defining the output type, partner functions


Case Study Galaxy Configuration Analysis: Define Output Type

With output type BA00 being the closest match, Galaxy Musical Instruments used the copy with reference method to create the output type ZBA9 with BA00 as thesource output type. Access sequence ZBA9 was assigned to output type ZBA9 with the Access To Condition check box selected to allow automatic determination using the output determination technique. Default valuesfromthe Dispatch and Time tabs set the manualtriggeringfor out put typeZBA9 toprinter, avoiding using any batchjob for triggering the output to a printer. Printform RVORDER01 alongwith print program RVADOR01 constitute the actual print pr ogram and or der confirmation template assignment to the output type ZBA9.

Grouping Output Types into an Output Determination Procedure

Once the output type is defined, the next step is to group the output type into an output determination procedure. An output determination procedure contains all the relevant output types arranged in a procedural sequence in which SAP will access them during output processing for a business transaction. the customization overview screen for the output determination procedure. You can call this customization screen using transaction code V/32 or menu path IMG> Sales And Distribution Basic Functions Output Control Output Determination Output Determination Using The Condition Technique Maintain Output Determination For Sales Documents > Maintain Output >Determination Procedure. As usual, use the New Entries button to create the new output procedure from scratch or the Copy button to create the output procedure with reference to an existing one. With determination procedure V10000 being the closest match, Galaxy Musical Instruments used the copy with reference method to created the output type Z10000, with V10000 as the source procedure. Now double-click the output procedure Z10000 to call up the detailed customization screen. As in our other examples, you can use the New Entries or Copy button to maintain your entry.

Maintaining the output determination, procedures overview screen

Maintaining the output determination, detail screen

The following are the various fields on this customization screen:


Use the field Step to set up the sequence in which the output types need to be arranged in the determination procedure.


Use the field Counter to set up the subsequence in which the output types need to be arranged in the determination procedure.

Output Determination Sap

Condition Type

Here you enter the output type that you created earlier.


This field shows the description of the output type.


The field Requirement allows you to specify the specific requirements that you want SAP to look into before accessing the output type. If the requirement fails, SAP will not access the output type.

Manual only

This check box, when selected, forces an output type to be processed manually only.

Case Study Galaxy Configuration Analysis: Maintain Output Determination Procedure

Sap Billing Output Determination

Sending order acknowledgments to customers forincomplete/blocked/unconfirmed order s can be troublesome and has potential to create confusion. To avoid this, Galaxy wantedto stop the determination of output type ZBA9in a sales order if theorder is incomplete or blocked. To achieve this, Galaxy assigned a requirement type 2 to output ZBA9 in the output procedure Z10000.

Assigning the Output Determination Procedure to Its Respective Output Object

Finally, assign the output determination to its respective business object that needs output control such as the sales document, delivery,and billing, as the case may be. For Galaxy’s example, we configured ZBA9 to generate an output message for order confirmation. Because order confirmation happens for a sales document, we will assign the output determination procedure Z10000 to the sales document header level, in other words, to the sales document type. You can call up the customization screen using transaction code V/43 or menu path IMG Sales And Distribution Basic Functions Output Control Output Determination Output Determination Using The Condition Technique > Maintain Output Determination For Sales Documents >Assign Output Determination Procedure.the customization screen for assigning the output determination procedure to a sales document type.

Assigning the output determination to a sales document type

Unlike Galaxy’s example where we configured the output for the sales document header level, if your output type is relevant for the sales document item level, you need to assign the output determination procedure to the sales document item category. You can call up the customization screen using transaction code V/69. It shows a blank assignment because we have not configured any output procedure for use with sales documents at the item level.

Assigning the output determination to an item category

Sap Output Message

Here is a PDF training material about the usage of EDI interfaces in Sales & Distribution module. The Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) component in Sales and Distribution consists of an Intermediate Document (IDoc) interface. You can use this interface for “send messages (outbound processing) such as an order confirmation through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)” and “receive messages (inbound processing) such as a sales order through EDI”.

During outbound processing in Sales and Distribution, the system determines output using the output determination component. The system converts the data into an IDoc and issues it using the IDoc interface. During inbound processing, the sender converts the data into IDocs and passes it on to the IDoc interface. These IDocs are stored in the SAP System. In a second step, the system creates the document data.

Contents of this PDF tutorial about EDI interfaces in SAP SD

  • Electronic Data Interchange / IDoc Interface (SD-EDI) . 5
  • Outbound Message Processing (SD) .7
  • IDoc Types for Outbound Messages (SD) .8
  • IDoc Types for Outbound Messages (LE).10
  • Inbound Message Processing (SD) 11
  • IDoc Types for Inbound Messages (SD).12


Message Output Determination In Sap Mm Pdf File

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