Moonbase Alpha Technical Manual

NASA Moonbase Alpha Manual
Table of Contents TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................................. 3 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................................. 4 INSTALLING & LAUNCHING THE GAME .................................................................................................................. 5 MAIN MENU .......................................................................................................................................................... 8 CREATING A GAME ................................................................................................................................................ 9 JOINING A GAME ................................................................................................................................................. 11 PLAYER LOBBY ..................................................................................................................................................... 14 LEADERBOARDS ................................................................................................................................................... 16 GAME OPTIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 18 GAME SCREEN ..................................................................................................................................................... 20 MAP MODES ............................................................................................................................................................22 PLAYING MOONBASE ALPHA ............................................................................................................................... 25 GAME CONTROLS ....................................................................................................................................................25 CONTEXT MENUS .........................................................................................................................................................28
Moonbase Alpha Game Manual SETTLEMENT LAYOUT .......................................................................................................................................... 30 EQUIPMENT SHED................................................................................................................................................ 33 HEAVY EQUIPMENT ......................................................................................................................................................33 LIGHT EQUIPMENT .......................................................................................................................................................33 TOOLS ........................................................................................................................................................................34 CONSTRUCTING ROBOTS................................................................................................................................................34 ROVER ................................................................................................................................................................. 36 DRIVING .....................................................................................................................................................................36 LOADING EQUIPMENT ...................................................................................................................................................36 ROBOTS ............................................................................................................................................................... 37 CONTROLLING ROBOTS..................................................................................................................................................37 ROBOT ATTACHMENTS ..................................................................................................................................................37 REPAIRING ........................................................................................................................................................... 38 DAMAGE STATES ..........................................................................................................................................................38 FIXING EQUIPMENT ......................................................................................................................................................38 CRITICAL DISASTERS ......................................................................................................................................................38 REPAIR GAMES ............................................................................................................................................................39 MULTIPLAYER ...................................................................................................................................................... 40 GAME SCORING ...........................................................................................................................................................40 TEAM COMMUNICATION ...............................................................................................................................................40 CREDITS ............................................................................................................................................................... 41
Moonbase Alpha Game Manual
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Minimum System Requirements Win XP SP3 2.0+ GHZ Single Core Processor 2 GB of System RAM NVIDIA 7000-series or ATI Radeon X1900 Video Card 2 GB of Free Hard Drive Space DirectX 9.0c
Recommended System Requirements Win XP SP3 / Vista / Windows 7 2.4+ GHz Dual Core Processor 4+ GB of System RAM NVIDIA 9000+ or ATI Radeon 3600+ Video Card 5 GB of Free Hard Drive Space DirectX 9.0c for XP/Vista, DirectX 10 for Windows 7
Moonbase Alpha Game Manual
OVERVIEW NASA has once again landed on the lunar surface with the goal of colonization, research, and further exploration. Shortly after the return to the Moon, NASA has established a small outpost on the south pole of the moon called Moonbase Alpha. Utilizing solar energy and regolith processing, the moonbase has become self-sufficient and plans for further expansion are underway. In Moonbase Alpha, you assume the exciting role of an astronaut working to further human expansion and research. Returning from a research expedition, you witness a meteorite impact that cripples the life support capability of the settlement. With precious minutes ticking away, you and your team must repair and replace equipment in order to restore the oxygen production to the settlement. Team coordination along with the proper use and allocation of your available resources (player controlled robots, rovers, repair tools, etc.) are key to your overall success. There are several ways in which you can successfully restore the life support system of the lunar base, but since you are scored on the time spent to complete the task, you have to work effectively as a team, learn from decisions made in previous gaming sessions, and make intelligence decisions in order to top the leaderboards.
Moonbase Alpha Game Manual
INSTALLING & LAUNCHING THE GAME 1. Start Steam You must have Steam installed to play this game. If you do not have Steam installed, go here: Click the bright green box labeled “Install Steam Now.”
Save SteamInstall.msi to your desktop. When it is finished downloading, double click to install Steam. Launch Steam and follow the instructions to create a new account.
Moonbase Alpha Game Manual
2. Search for “MOONBASE ALPHA”
Moonbase Alpha Game Manual
3. Click “INSTALL.” 4. Go to “LIBRARY” tab, click on “GAMES” tab, select “MOONBASE ALPHA” and click “PLAY.”
Moonbase Alpha Game Manual
MAIN MENU After launching Moonbase Alpha you are brought to the main menu screen. On this screen you can create a new game, join an existing game, modify game options, access the help menu, or quit the game.
1. CREATE Create your own game with customized settings. 2. JOIN GAME View and join games hosted by other players. 3. OPTIONS Modify game options to increase visual quality, computer performance, and adjust volume settings. 4. HELP Access the in-game Help menu. 5. QUIT Exit Moonbase Alpha. 8
Moonbase Alpha Game Manual
CREATING A GAME Clicking on the ‘Create’ button allows you to create (host) your own customized Moonbase Alpha Game. On the ‘Create Game’ screen you will be able to select from a number of game settings, including game map and mode, which allow you to tailor your gaming session to fit your specific play style.
1. GAME MAP Select the game map you would like to play. NOTE: Each map has a maximum number of players: 2, 4 or 6. Maps that support more players have larger lunar bases, and therefore have more damaged equipment to repair. 2. GAME MAP DESCRIPTION View a description of the size of the lunar base along with the ideal number of players for each game map. 3. GAME MODE
Moonbase Alpha Game Manual Select the desired gameplay mode. NOTE: In Competitive Mode, your team has 25 minutes to completely restore oxygen. If you win, your time is submitted to the leaderboards. In Freeplay Mode, your team has no time limit, but your time will not be submitted to the leaderboards. 4. GAME MODE DESCRIPTION View a description of the selected game mode. 5. ADDITIONAL GAME OPTIONS PASSWORD PROTECTED: Set your game to require a password to join. Create a password and remember to give it to your desired players. PLAY OPENING CINEMATIC: Select to turn on or off the introductory cinematic at the beginning of the game. PLAY IN OFFLINE MODE: Select to play your game offline. NOTE: Other players will not be able to see or join your game when this option is selected. 6. PASSWORD If you have selected “Password Protected” under additional game options, enter your game password here. 7. SERVER NAME Enter a name for your game to allow for other players to search for it. After you have made your selections click on the 'Create' button to setup the game and enter the Player Lobby. 8. SERVER PORTS You can have Moon Base Alpha attempt to automatically configure your router in the Create Game menu by clicking “Server Ports”, then checking the box for “Use Universal Plug-and-Play to configure router”. This is compatible with most modern routers. Check with your router manufacturer for further details.
Moonbase Alpha Game Manual
JOINING A GAME Clicking on the ‘Join Game’ button allows you to browse through all the current game sessions and join any available session. The ‘Join Game’ screen displays relevant game information and uses a powerful filter system that makes finding the right game fast and easy.
1. GAME TYPES Filter your games list to only show the selected game type. INTERNET: View games hosted through the Internet. LAN: View games hosted on your Local Area Network. FRIENDS: View games that your friends are currently playing.
2. GAME INFORMATION View game-specific information. 11
Moonbase Alpha Game Manual
NAME: The server name created by the host. IP: The IP address of the game host. PING: Measures the server speed; a lower number indicates a faster response time. MAP: Displays the selected map. PLAYERS: Displays the number of players currently in the game. PASSWORD: Indicates whether the game is password protected or not. 3. LEADERS View the Leaderboards page. 4. REFRESH Update all game information. 5. ENTER IP Directly enter the IP address of the desired game. 6. GAME STATE / STAT TRACKING View the current state of the game. Game states are listed below. LOBBY: Players are currently in the player lobby and game has not started. CINEMATIC: Players are currently watching the introductory cinematic. PLAYING: Game is currently in-progress. ENDGAME: Players are at the end of game screen. POSTGAME: Oxygen to the base has been completely restored and players are continuing to play. Stat Tracking indicates whether or not the game is tracking statistics. 7. GAME FILTERS Filter the game list to only show selected options. NAME: Filters game list by a specific game name. 12
Moonbase Alpha Game Manual MAP: Filters game list by a specific map name. NOT FULL: If selected, will only show games that are not at maximum capacity. NOT EMPTY: If selected, will only show games that have one or more players. NO PASSWORD: If selected, will only show games that are not restricted by a password. SECURE: If selected, will only show games that have Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) protection enabled. DEDICATED: If selected, will only show games hosted on a dedicated server.
Select a game and click the 'Join' button to play. If the game is already in progress, you will immediately join gameplay. If the game has not yet started, you will join the player lobby.
Moonbase Alpha Game Manual
PLAYER LOBBY If you create a game or join a game that has not begun, you will be placed in a ‘Player Lobby.’ While in the player lobby, you can use voice chat and text chat to talk to other players, as well as change your astronaut color. When you are ready to play, click on the ‘Ready’ button to let the host know that you are ready for action.
1. PLAYER COLOR Click on the color box next to your name to change the color of the markings that appear on your spacesuit. 2. PLAYER NAME Click on your name to edit it. This list displays the names of all the players in the lobby. 3. READY INDICATOR BOX Click the box next to your name to indicate you are ready to play. Keep in mind that the host can begin the game at any time, whether all players are ready or not. 14
Moonbase Alpha Game Manual
4. START (Host option only) Start the game. The host may begin the game at anytime. 5. LEADERS View the Leaderboards page.
Moonbase Alpha Game Manual
LEADERBOARDS Do you have what takes to be number one? When you play in Competitive Mode your score will automatically be posted to the leaderboards when you win. Each map has its own leaderboards, so to stay on top you’ll want to take a turn playing each one.
1. LEADERBOARD FILTERS TOP SCORES: Shows highest scores. YOUR RANK: Shows your ranking and players directly above and below you. FRIENDS: Shows your friends rankings. 2. PREVIOUS LEADERBOARD/NEXT LEADERBOARD Cycles between the available leaderboards including the following: 1-2 Map Completion Time 3-4 Map Completion Time 5-6 Map Completion Time Total Online Games Won 16
Moonbase Alpha Game Manual 3. REFRESH Update the leaderboard entries. 4. PLAYER LIST View the player name, rank, and score. 5. SCROLL UP/SCROLL DOWN Scroll the player list up and down.
Moonbase Alpha Game Manual
GAME OPTIONS Numerous game settings in Moonbase Alpha can be modified to allow a gaming experience that fits your specific needs. Adjustments made in the video settings can greatly improve your computer’s performance.
1. VIDEO OPTIONS RESOLUTION: Changes your game resolution. VIDEO QUALITY: Changes your video quality. BRIGHTNESS: Changes the game brightness. FULLSCREEN: When this box is checked the game will display in fullscreen mode. When unchecked, the game will display in windowed mode. 18
Moonbase Alpha Game Manual 2. AUDIO OPTIONS MUSIC VOLUME: Adjusts the volume of the game music. SOUND VOLUME: Adjusts the volume of game sound effects. VOICE VOLUME: Adjusts the volume of Text To Speech (if turned on) and game dialogue. NOTE: this does not affect the VOIP volume of other players. 3. EXTRA OPTIONS TUTORIAL MESSAGES: When this box is checked the in-game tutorial messages will play. STARS: When this box is checked, stars will appear in the game world. TEXT TO SPEECH: When this box is checked, all chat box text will be voiced by a robotic voice. REALISTIC SOUNDS: When this box is checked, only realistic environmental sounds will play. PLAYER NAMES: When this box is checked, player names will appear over astronauts’ heads in the game. 4. EXTRA OPTIONS DESCRIPTIONS View the descriptions of the extra options that are listed above. 5. ADVANCED OPTIONS After selecting the custom video quality setting, you can customize several advanced display options. Turning these options on increases the visual quality of the game, but may negatively affect your computer’s performance. If you have difficulty running the game, try to turn some of these options off.
Moonbase Alpha Game Manual
GAME SCREEN Your space suit is equipped with the latest in NASA Heads up Display technology. Important elements, along with critical messages, are displayed on your screen allowing for quick and easy access to crucial information.
1. PLAYER LIST View the names and colors of your teammates. The microphone icon next to the player name will flash when that player is speaking using VOIP. Pressing the ‘P’ key hides the player list. 2. EQUIPPED ITEM View the name and icon of the item that you are holding. 3. MAP View an overhead view of the lunar base. Pressing the ‘B’ key hides the map, the ‘M’ key maximizes the map to full screen, and the ‘+’ and ‘–‘ keys can be used to zoom the view in and out. 20
Moonbase Alpha Game Manual
4. CHAT BOX The chat box allows you to communicate with your team. Press the ENTER key to access chat and press ENTER again to send a typed message. Pressing the ‘C’ key hides the chat box. 5. O2 TOTAL Displays the total oxygen supplied to the living quarters. The game is won when this meter is completely full. 6. GAME TIMER Displays either the amount of time elapsed (Freeplay Mode) or the game time remaining (Competitive Mode). 7. O2 Rate Displays the rate at which the O2 Total increases over time. Repairs made to the base will increase your O2 rate.
Moonbase Alpha Game Manual MAP MODES Your suit is equipped with a map display system that allows you to view a normal view of the lunar base as well as a schematic view. Pressing the ‘
  1. Moonbase Alpha Technical Manual Pdf
Space 1999 technical manual pdf

Moonbase Alpha Technical Manual Pdf

The Moonbase Alpha Technical Notebook. In 1977, Starlog magazine published The Moonbase Alpha Technical Notebook. It provides detailed blueprints of Moonbase Alpha, along with illustrations and information on various incarnations of props and costumes. It was intended to be updated on a regular basis, but this idea was abandoned due to low sales. Moonbase Alpha Technical Manual The complete manual, originally sold through Starlog Magazine. Click on the CD cover art to the right to view the main index page for this CD. Space 1999 Technical Notebook Expanded Edition. Here is an exact reproduction of Starlog's long out-of-print Moonbase Alpha Technical Notebook. They are based on the Moonbase Alpha blueprints from Starlog's Alpha Moonbase Technical Notebook. I made those five drawings specifically for the Italian Space: 1999 convention of September 1999. Technical Notebook. Copies of Starlog's long out-of-print Moonbase Alpha Technical Notebook. This version of the Technical Notebook comes in a red binder with a sticker, just like the original along with photocopies of Space: 1999 articles that were not included in the original publication. NASA Moonbase Alpha Manual Table of Contents. Moonbase Alpha Game Manual 3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Minimum System Requirements Win XP SP3 2.0+ GHZ Single Core Processor 2 GB of System RAM. After launching Moonbase Alpha you are brought to the main menu screen. On this screen you. Shop the best Moonbase Alpha Technical Manual CD at Musical Instruments & Accessories online store. We have a lot of CD Players, Starbase 79 for you to choose with inexpensive price and CD Players review, Starbase 79 review for you before you buy the best CD Players for yourself.